Daily iTunes Apps RSS Feed

October 11th, 2008
rss feed

Check it out here.

The feed is updated every night around midnight and shows the 15 most recent apps on the store.

Has the Economy Deterred App Devs Yet?

October 9th, 2008
Answer: no.

Take a look at the number of apps added to the app store every week. Last week 718 apps were added/updated in the store - which currently has around 4500 apps. Wow.

The people who enjoy and are good at making iPhone apps will continue to do so.

Now if only we could get our hands on some financial data…
- Joe

iPhonexe Back Up and Running

October 8th, 2008
After a few weeks of chaos, we were finally able to get the site back up and running… on a dedicated server :). We shouldn’t be having any more breakdowns for a while.

Tomorrow we will release a beta version of a comment and forum system. Please let me know of any feedback you may have

Thanks for your support,
- Joe

Technical Difficulties

September 16th, 2008
As many of you may have noticed, the site has not been updating. This is due in part to a problem with our web host as well as Hurricane Ike. We should have things up and running within the next week or so.

Thank you.

Update: I’ve gone ahead and manually updated the site for tonight. I will be periodically doing this until we get things running smoothly again, so updates will not be as regular as usual. Thanks again.

InsertTabs: A Tabs in Textarea Bookmarklet

September 12th, 2008
While building the site, I often made quick changes to the code in NetFTP, which let met edit code through my browser. However, tabs were always a problem - the browser would try to tab to the next text field instead of insert a \t character.
I looked at the solutions available - sure there’s tabinta, a Firefox extension made for doing just this - but I use Safari a lot, and on some pages I’d like to be able to tab through and not get stuck in a textarea - I want control over which pages override the default tab action.

Grab the bookmarklet after the jump.

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