First iPhonexe app added to the App Store!

About a week ago, my first app, iCounter, was finally added to the app store! It’s a simple little program that lets you count things, like those old-school dial-based clicking counters. It’s got a couple cool features, like left-handed mode and that neat looking clicking dial.

This is the first app of (hopefully) many. I’ve already submitted 2 more apps, which are both currently ‘In Review’. Shouldn’t be more than a week or so!

I can say this: the iTMS will get your app all the publicity you need. I missed iCounter’s launch, but it’s still selling around 40 copies a day, at least. My first weekly report comes out tonight, cross your fingers!


One Response to “First iPhonexe app added to the App Store!”

  1. tayabi Says:


    Pardon the off-topic nature of my comment, but I saw no contact form anywhere.

    I was wondering how you were able to obtain your Official app database? Is there some kind of spider/robot that you used?

    Thanks for your time and your fun apps.

    [email protected]

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