Chuck Norris Contacted Us

Well, sorta.

I’ll try to hold off on jokes till the end…

I got this email from Chuck Norris’s legal team. Apparently there was an app on the iTMS that violated his copyright or something. Check it out:
From: “Lodge, Deborah” Subject: Unauthorized Use of “Chuck Norris” Date: Wed, October 15, 2008 6:36 pm To: joe at Dear Joe: We are lawyers for Carlos Ray Norris, a/k/a Chuck Norris, the famous actor. Please see the annexed letter regarding the unauthorized use of Mr. Norris’s trademark and publicity rights on certain software available through the website — specifically the software trivia game “Are You Tougher Than Chuck Norris”. I look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, Deborah Lodge

Anyways, I deleted the app from our listings for her and went on my way. They were nice enough people. I’m only posting this because I figured you guys would get a kick out of it.

A roundhouse kick
- Joe

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