UpLoc makes it to the app store!

UpLoc, the app I’ve been working on for a month or so, has finally made it into the iTunes app store. It’s a web service that lets you save locations from the web or your iPhone. Your iPhone then syncs with your uploc.com account - there are a billion uses for this: sending a location to your friend, saving a location that you might not remember, saving a location on your phone so a family member can access it on the web site, and so on.

It’s $8.99 for the app, and the web service is free, so get on over there and register! It’s a really nice interface, I promise :) .


One Response to “UpLoc makes it to the app store!”

  1. Heidi Welsch Says:


    Neat site! Pretty impressive stuff! I’m going to pass it on to all my iPhone - using 20-something staff members!

    How is your year going without Valerie at home?

    Hope all is well.

    Love Heidi

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