XLaunch 0.15 - 19599

Erica Sadun

XLaunch is now updated for firmware 1.1.1 and above. Please do not attempt to use this software with 1.0.2 or earlier. It will crash your system. Although SpringPatch now reduces XLaunch's utility, it still offers some reasonably useful features. With it, you can:

Select any application in either /Applications or /var/root/Applications and launch it, so long as the app is registered with SpringBoard.

Hide and unhide app icons from appearing.

Squeeze icons onto the dock.

Perform a variety of resets. A normal reset hides all icons but the system ones, Installer.app and XLaunch. A full restore shows all icons and returns your iPhone to its default settings. A special exception is made to ensure that Installer.app is never hidden except by your personal, express wish.

